
February 7th, 2015

“My name is Kaytlin Eldred. I am a senior Global Health Studies major at Mercer University, on track to graduate in May 2015. I have had Type I Diabetes since 2001, when I was diagnosed at 8 years old, the day after Christmas with a blood sugar of 1,319. At such a young age, it is hard to fathom that the illness you have is something you will have forever. Even in the early years of my diagnosis, I was promised a cure by doctors and physicians. Thirteen years later and there is still no cure. As an adult, I have learned to accept that diabetes will always be a part of my life but that I can manage it to the best of my ability. I am confident that having Type I Diabetes has challenged me to become a stronger, more responsible individual. I know that I can overcome any obstacle because I am faced with the daily challenges of managing high and low blood sugars that a lot of adults do not have to worry about. Even though I am confident in my ability to manage my disease, my confidence does not subtract from my hope that one day a cure will be developed.

Thanks to the information provided to me by FYI Diabetes, I was able to visit the Faustman Lab. Visiting Dr. Faustman’s Lab in December of 2014 gave me hope that one day there will be a cure. Until I was able to sit down and talk with her about developing a cure, a “cure” had seemed so far away and almost dream-like. Everyone imagines a cure, but it seems more like an idea rather than a tangible thing.

One of my life dreams has been to backpack across South America. Having Type I Diabetes makes this dream almost unattainable. How would I be able to get access to the medical resources I will need? What happens if I have an emergency and need a hospital? How will I keep insulin cold? The thought of Dr. Faustman developing a cure for Type I Diabetes actually brings my dream into reality, and that in itself is one of the biggest blessings I could ever receive. Thank you FYI Diabetes Team.”

Kaytlin Eldred

December 9th, 2014

“My daughter was 8 when she was diagnosed as type-1, she is now 21. I had no idea that there was any chance for a cure. A friend of mine told me to contact FYI Diabetes and I am glad that I did. They informed me of the great work being done at the Faustman Lab, and emailed me the patient registration forms. Thanks FYI Diabetes”

Father of a Type-1 Daughter

November 28th, 2014

“I have a nephew that was diagnosed at age 4 as a type-1 diabetic. The people at FYI Diabetes have everyone at my job involved in fundraising to cure diabetes. They also assisted me with getting my nephew registered with the Faustman Lab.”

Aunt of Type-1

November 27th, 2014

“I am a resident of Atlanta, Georgia and have been a type-1 diabetic for over 30 years. FYI Diabetes assisted me with getting in touch with the Faustman Lab and getting the forms needed to register for future studies and become part of CURE DIABETES NOW. Thank you FYI Diabetes.”


FYI Diabetes recently helped Shaun, a recently-diagnosed Type-I diabetic, travel to Boston for testing. His testimonial is coming soon, but in the meantime you can check out his trip here.

*FYI Diabetes respects the privacy of the people who contact us. We will never publish or share your information without your express consent.