Your donation will support research, education, and clinical trials focused on a CURE! We are not tied to just one group, but believe that collectively, we can make a difference.

Below are a few examples of what we support:

The use of BCG to reverse type 1 diabetes!

Help us fund the only treatment to reverse type 1 diabetes that is currently in advanced FDA approved clinical trials.

  • Every donation makes a real difference
  • You can change someone’s life
  • You can help get FDA Approval quicker
  • Even the smallest donation matters – please donate now

BCG has demonstrated

  • Efficacy better than standard of care in the management and potential reversal of type 1 diabetes.
  • If BCG is approved in the USA, it would be available for a tiny fraction of the cost of current treatments and is very non-invasive.
  • BCG has potential to significantly reduce direct medical costs for self insured employers.
  • Phase II (150 patients) underway, reading out in 2023.

We need to get BCG FDA approved for US distribution

Stem Cell Research

There are over 45 clinical studies being conducted on the use of stem cells to reverse diabetes in the United States, and over 196 similar studies worldwide. FYI Diabetes supports the most promising research with donations from our supporters. Even the smallest donation counts!

Previously, scientists successfully transformed stem cells into insulin-producing cells called beta cells. Now, scientists from all over the world are focused on moving forward with stem cell technology.

Recently, scientists have been able to:

  • Improve the laboratory process of converting stem cells into insulin-producing beta cells
  • Improve beta cell transplants for patients with type 1 diabetes
  • Develop a process to produce stem-cell-derived islets made from human pluripotent stem cells– the types of stem cells that can develop into any type of cell
  • Encapsulate and protect stem cells from being rejected by a patient’s immune system


Great technological advances make life better and safer for people living with diabetes. Below are a few of the programs that FYI Diabetes supports in the technology sector:

  • The artificial pancreas project – close to being available now
  • Better Continuous Glucose Monitors – new pumps designs, smaller footprint, increased accuracy – coming soon! Fewer finger pricks!
  • Phone applications – manage with your phone
  • “Smart Insulin” – called i-insulin, is released for action when the blood sugar or glucose levels rise and blocks its own activity when glucose levels fall!


FYI Diabetes is constantly working with corporate America to promote health and wellness screenings nationwide. We know the importance of Diabetes Education and understand the many components of diabetes. Our commitment for 2020 is to help sponsor 80,000 to 100,000 health and wellness screenings, but we can’t do it alone. We need your help!

FYI Diabetes provides educational resources and free testing, focused on:

  • Diabetes Self-Care Management
  • Blood Glucose Testing
  • Importance of Blood Pressure
  • Quarterly Diabetes (A1C)
  • Nutritional Management
  • Importance of Physical Exercise